速報APP / 美食佳飲 / Hanoi Journey

Hanoi Journey


檔案大小:12.8 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 11.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Hanoi Journey(圖1)-速報App

#1 Vietnam travel guide.

Hanoi Journey is your free travel guide in Vietnam, just install app then ask us any question related to your Vietnam travel. Let's chat!

#2 Vietnam private car rentals

- Are you looking for a short-term rental that won’t hurt your budget?

- Are you looking for car rental service in Hanoi?

- Do you want to rent a car for your family, friends or a group of classmates?

Hanoi Journey(圖2)-速報App

Then Hanoi Journey is right service for you!

We provide private car rental with driver in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh and Danang

Click to book a car: https://www.hanoijourney.com/product/private-car-rental-driver/

#3 Vietnam tour packages.

We also provide hand-picked selection of tours and services to some of the most beautiful places in Vietnam: Halong Bay, Sapa, TrangAn – Bai Dinh to various customer needs (Heritage tour, Adventure tour, Trekking tour in Sapa, Culture tours in Hanoi & Vicinity provinces).

Discover northern Vietnam with Hanoi Journey team. Includes pickup and drop-off to and from the airport, hotel accommodation in the best location in Hanoi city center.

Click to see the tour details: https://www.hanoijourney.com/

支援平台:iPhone, iPad